Wednesday, November 21, 2007

First day in Odessa

We are in Odessa! I finally got the Internet access, so it will be a long entry, please bear with me!

Our flight to Kiev was, um, interesting. After spending 10 hours at JFK, we finally boarded the plane, found our seats and tried to get comfortable for the long flight. It was not an easy task since my seat wouldn't recline all the way down, and Oleg's seat wouldn’t recline at all! There were no other available seats, so we had to stick with ours. As soon as our plane started taxiing towards the runway, I felt something strange… I looked up and saw that the water was trickling down from the overhead bin to my seat! We called the flight attendant again telling her that the roof is leaking :) She looked like we need to have our heads examined! After examining my seat and verifying that the water is indeed leaking from somewhere, she called in a consult. Another flight attendant came in, and all of a sudden the leaking magically stopped. Well, it was raining in New York, so I guess the rain has stopped :) After that our flight was fairly uneventful.

Going through the passport control and customs was very straightforward. For those of you about to travel, I don’t think you really need the VIP service, even if you don’t speak Russian. First, you go through the passport control. Make sure to fill out the form you are given on the plane on both sides. I didn’t realize we need to fill out both “Arrival” and “Departure forms. Have your facilitator’s address written down somewhere, so you can specify this address on the immigration form (or even the SDA address – they didn’t care as long as you put any address there). Then go straight ahead to get the luggage. Even if you bypassed the passport line with the VIP service, you’ll still need to wait for the luggage. After that you have a choice to go through the Green corridor (if you don’t have anything to declare, i.e. you have less than $3000 per person), or through the Red corridor where you have to fill out a declaration form. The forms are available next to the luggage carousel in English.

Yesterday was a big day – our SDA appointment. Even though we knew they shouldn’t deny us to adopt Raya, we still felt nervous. But everything worked great! We were greeted by a very nice woman who introduced herself as Zarina. She showed us Raisa’s file, talked to us for a couple of minutes, and that was it! We asked whether it’s possible to come back for the paperwork that same day because we planned to leave for Odessa in the evening, and she agreed! After we were done at SDA, our great facilitator Sergey spent the day taking care of us - sightseeing, shopping, he even took us out to dinner, and then to the train station.

The train was not bad at all! Well, we had an experience riding the trains in Ukraine many years before, but let me tell you: our train was much better than we expected. We bought all 4 bunks in the cabin, so we were very comfortable. Not only we had our privacy, but also we had enough room to put our luggage in! There is very little room for luggage in the cabin, so we used our extra bunks for our bags. We were also told that we need to show our passports to the attendant, but she didn’t ask. The bathrooms were more or less clean, and get this: there was even a toilet paper! Though it took a great skill to actually use the bathroom because the train was swaying all the time. So overall the train experience was okay, even though I wouldn’t call it my favorite way of travel :)

And finally this morning we arrived to Odessa train station at 6:00. Our friends Lena and Kostya were waiting for us – it was so cool to finally see them after 11 years! After a short drive to their apartment, the moment we were waiting for such a long time finally arrived – Raisa was waiting for us! Here is her first picture with us this morning: isn't she precious?

Now it's time to go to the Regional Inspector's office to prepare a lot of paperwork that we have to send back to SDA. More later!


Tina in CT said...

A picture is worth a thousand words. I hope she will be able to stay with you from now on and not have to return to the orphanage.

Jeri said...

Congratulations to all of you! I am so happy that after all the waiting there is good news and hopefully you'll be heading home with Raisa very, very soon. By the way, is your facilitator, Sergey, from Donetsk? Just wondering, I realize the name is fairly common there and our fabulous Sergey's last name started with an S and he was from Donetsk originally. jeri

Anonymous said...

natalyia, (and oleg!) i'm following you in my heart every step of the way, and when I read this mornings, (you're actually there!), and saw the photo.....(she's precious!)....i have tears in my eyes....thanks so much for sharing.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! So happy to hear that the first part of the process went smoothly. That picture is just wonderful! Best wishes on the rest of you journey.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! So happy to hear that the first part of the process went smoothly. That picture is just wonderful! Best wishes on the rest of you journey.

Anonymous said...

So happy you guys are reunited and on your journey to a new life together! All the best to you!

Melissa E. said...

Da, ona meelochka!
(I want that to say,"Yes, she is darling!")

I can't believe your roof leaked on the plane!! I would have been nervous that there may have been other, more serious holes in the plane!!

I was on a plane once where my seat wouldn't recline. It was only a couple hours or so, but quite annoying since I had been hoping to nap. I feel for Oleg!

I'm looking forward to frequent updates!

Debora Hoffmann said...

Hooray! Oh, she is precious! I love the photo of the three of you. I'm so glad you're with her now. I'll be watching and praying for your journey.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you! Glad everything is going smooth so far and hope you guys enjoy Odessa after long 11 yrs - I bet things have changed dramatically.

We'll be following your blog!

Tami said...

YEA!!!! You're there! What a precious picture. She is absolutely beautiful.
It must be a little surreal to be back in Odessa after 11 years. I can't wait to hear more about it.
And thanks for the update on the train situation. I've been obsessing about it lately! ;)

Courtney said...

Hooray! I've been waiting so anxiously to hear from you. So glad to see Raisa in your arms!!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

What a lovely picture! You all look so happy! What a relief you must feel to finally be there.

Thanks for the details about customs and all. I hope the leaky roof is fixed by the time we leave in two weeks.

Praying for a smooth journey for the rest of your time there.

cara said...

You guys look so happy, It puts a lump in my throat. I am so glad that things are going smoothly for you so far, I'll keep praying that the rest goes quickly and smoothly too. Cara Norby

Anonymous said...

You flew the exact route that we flew in the summer. Fortunately, the Aerosvit plane didn't leak on us, though! Although I speak Ukrainian, I've found it best to stick with ENGLISH when speaking to any airline or immigration official. Sadly, English speakers get better treatment; officials seem to pick on those who speak Ukrainian (and probably Russian). It's harder for them to pick on someone in a foreign language.

adoptedthree said...

Raisa is beautiful and looks so happy. Have a great!

Kathy and Matt said...

It's great to read your post. I laughed as I read about the "rain" on the plane. Glad it stopped as that would've been an uncomfortable flight.
The picture of the 3 of you is priceless! She looks like a wonderful girl and I know this will all go smoothly for you.
Take care and all the best as you progress toward your court date.

Jim H. said...
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Jim H. said...

What a beautiful picture. This is one of the most amazing and wonderful adoption stories I've ever heard of.

It will be interesting to get your impressions about Odessa in the days ahead.

We rejoice with you friends!

Leslie said...

I was so relieved to read your update today! Congratulations on uniting with Raisa! Its fills my heart with joy to know she has found her family!

Mike & Tara said...

How wonderful! We are so very happy for your family!!

Unknown said...

Hey guys,
We glad we got to Odessa. Isn’t it cool, after 11 years?
We love you guys.
Good luck.
Misha, Natasha

Unknown said...

I so happy for you and your family. I always love my cite Odessa. Raisa is very pretty girl like her mam.

Love Anastasia

Lucia said...

Nataliya and Oleg, so glad you are finally there and reunited with Raisa! What a beautiful picture! Praying for a swift process.

Tonya said...

That is a beautiful picture. She is as pretty as her Mama:).